Horror Costumes

Scary Scarecrow Costume: A Classic Choice For All Ages

When you hear the word “scarecrow,” what do you think of it? If you love horror movies and you also read our review of scary scarecrow movies, you probably know that this character can scare more than birds. In fact, against the background of the common perception that scarecrows are no longer the primary and most recommended means of keeping birds away (among other things, because the birds realize very quickly that it is not a real human being), it can be argued that their fear effect can work mainly on people, or if you want – mainly as a costume because most of us don’t dress like a scarecrow every day. 

A scarecrow costume is a classic choice for those looking for a scary costume that will always fit and not necessarily depend on a period or any horror icon. Today, there is a wide variety of scary scarecrow costumes suitable for people of all ages, so the choice is yours alone.

Scary Scarecrow costume illustration

Why Should You Buy A Scary Scarecrow Costume? 

Scarecrow costumes are an excellent choice for those looking for a horror costume for several reasons. Please note that we will refer here in advance to the costumes considered scary, with threatening expressions of the scarecrows, murder instruments, and the like, and less to the costumes of that cute scarecrow from “The Wizard of Oz.” Also, we strongly recommend using scarecrows as a costume only and not thinking about touching the costume, dancing with it, or having sex with it – to the attention of one named Mia Goth.

A scarecrow can do a great job if you’re looking for comfort in your scary costume. Although each outfit has its characteristics, in most cases, it is made of light and comfortable materials, such as linen or cotton. With all the clumsiness of scarecrows on a general level, most costumes allow you to move around in a relatively simple way or, mercifully, dance (if you’re at a Halloween party, it’s especially worth it).


Scarecrow Costumes For Everyone

A significant advantage of scarecrow costumes is that they suit a very broad common denominator of people, starting with scary scarecrow costumes for adults and including outfits that fits the younger ones, even babies. The differences between the costumes exist at the level of the specific design, but the central division is according to sizes or target populations. The costumes come in various designs and shapes, so you can adjust what is ideal for your performance.

Scarecrow Costume For Men

Scarecrow Costume For Men
Men love scary costumes. Beyond the fact that many men tend to choose their favorite horror icons – who, coincidentally or not, are male – you’ll find a wide variety of scary objects, such as scarecrows. A quick check on the Internet showed us some very cool types of scarecrow costumes for men, with some unique features (besides the size, of course). A scary scarecrow costume for the stronger sex will, in most cases, include a jute bag, which replaces the dresses and skirts you will find in the corresponding costumes for women. You will find other “masculine” elements in it, such as a hat, boots, or a hook, where the overall look is not too revealing but purely challenging and scary.

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Scarecrow costume For Women

Scarecrow costume For Women

In its horror version, a scarecrow is mainly associated with male creatures. Try to go through the last horror movies you’ve seen that included the same bird-scaring doll, and remember if you’ve ever seen a scarecrow figure resembling a woman in appearance or build. In the world of costumes, like the world of scary scarecrow costumes for adults, the sky is the limit. We found some super cool models of scarecrow costumes for women, with long wigs in different shades, skirts, and other elements.

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Sexy Scarecrow Costume 

Sexy Scarecrow Costume 

It is impossible to talk about costumes for women and not refer to their sexy side, which also exists in the case of scary costumes. On the site, we have already reviewed the sexy costumes of Freddy Krueger, and happily (for both men and women), there are also sensual and even revealing outfits in the thong section: you know, with a skirt, cleavage, and so on. Even if, in some cases, the names of these costumes seem as if they are reserved for other realms – for example, the “hot reaper costume” or “cheeky scarecrow” – in fact, these are entirely legitimate and even impressive kinds of sexy scarecrow costume.

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Scarecrow Costume For Children 

Scarecrow Costume For Children 
We can write a great deal about the uniqueness, advantages, and disadvantages of scary costumes for children. There is no doubt that the range of these costumes is undoubtedly impressive, and this is also true in the case of the scarecrows. A short search on the Internet showed us quite a few cute models of scarecrow costumes for children, even horrifying ones, which are very reminiscent of adult costumes. Most models come with the required accessories, but reading the costume description and seeing what it includes is essential. 

Of course, in this case, size is one of the foremost parameters to consider. Before you buy a children’s costume, and certainly if you do it via the Internet, it is essential to pay attention to the measurements and not rely on the fact that a children’s costume will also fit your little ones. On most major websites, you can choose between several sizes and see size tables in inches or centimeters. Be active in performing the rather basic tests and measurements because they can save you a lot of effort, money, and headaches.

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Scarecrow Costume For Babies

Believe it or not, you can also find a scarecrow costume for a baby. The bad news (or good, depending on how you look at it) is that from the testing we’ve done, we get the impression that costumes of this type aren’t necessarily as scary as the other models we’ve reviewed here. In most cases, scarecrow costumes for babies are of the cuter kind – as cute as a scarecrow can be – but with a bit of searching and effort, you can also find costumes that can give nightmares to your boy or girl’s kindergarten friends or choose some murderous twist that brings out a dark side to an existing friendly outfit.

So what does that mean? Very simple: with a little effort, you can find good scary scarecrow costume ideas, choose or make a group or even a family outfits. The fact that some models come with a wide range of sizes and dimensions makes this vision possible.

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Meet The Accessories (Or: Scary Scarecrow Costume DIY)

There are some very cool accessories for those who want to create an outfit reminiscent of a scarecrow with minimal effort or upgrade an existing costume. If you’ve seen horror movies on the subject or are familiar with similar costumes, you probably know what to expect: a straw hat, a scarecrow wig, boots, harpoons, and so on. Beautiful masks can also upgrade an existing costume (it will only sometimes come with all the required accessories) or suit those who want to dress up with minimal effort and expense. 

When you buy a scarecrow costume, paying attention to questions like what it comes with, what requires an additional payment, and whether the purchase can be made through the same website or store is highly recommended. Please do not rely solely on the image you see on the website because sometimes it includes accessories that are not an integral part of the costume or at least require some additional payment. The good news is that even in this case, DIY scary scarecrow costume is a possible mission. Here’s, for example, a video showing how to make a scarecrow hat for a costume:



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