Scary Coloring Pages – (Not Only) For Kids
No matter how you look at it, coloring with the children is one of the highest-quality activities you can do with them. Coloring allows them to develop their motor skills (fine motor skills, if we understood the definitions correctly) and imagination. She shows children why it is important to keep boundaries, literally, or even how to express what they see or know creatively. But we are on a site dedicated to horror, so we will not tell you about the traditional coloring pages of animals, Mickey Mouse, Disney’s Princesses, Winnie the Pooh, or other friends. Scary coloring pages are not the first gift you want to buy for your children in most cases, but for fans of the genre and those who want to raise “heirs,” this can be a great choice.
The Benefits Of Scary Coloring Pages
So why even think about considering scary coloring pages for your little ones? On the face of it, you can think of coloring pages that are more suitable for the age when the little ones start to babble, color quite freely, and at a later stage, also choose appropriate colors and keep them within the lines. Coloring pages from the world of horror – and later, we will address some widespread options in this context – can also add visual appeal to the equation. You can find a wide variety of designs and styles here according to your preferences or your children’s. This type of coloring can be an experiential activity that you perform together with your children (“Remember the clown from your last birthday? So it’s Pennywise, and he’s a little scarier than him”) or if you want a way to teach them a little about the images that have accompanied you for decades.
Coloring pages, traditionally, are a way of self-expression. So much so that many treat coloring as a therapeutic activity in the full sense of the word. In this context, a scary coloring page can allow children to express their feelings, even those considered deeper and more complex. At some point, they may ask questions about topics considered more complex, like death, for example, and coloring pages can be a creative way to bridge them. In vampires and ghosts, for instance, they can also come across other texts adapted to them – hell, our girls plow through the songs about the ghost and Count Mikola from “Mickey Mouse Friends Club” – so why not also in their coloring pages?
It is important to note that we do not absolutely and unequivocally recommend exposing your children to coloring pages that are considered scary. They may not be suitable for your children’s stage or may scare or confuse them. There is nothing wrong with drawing animals, unicorns, or Raw Patrols’ dogs. You ultimately know what is right for your children and should also use your parental intuition concerning usage of horror coloring pages.
Scary Coloring Pages for Adults? There Is Such A Thing!
If by now you have the impression that coloring pages are only for children, think again. In recent years, we come across more and more booklets or coloring pages that show in advance that they are intended for adults, and from this point of view, scary coloring pages seem like an excellent idea.
Among other things, scary coloring pages can be a fun activity for leisure time, even a couple or family activity, which also has a significant dimension of nostalgia and a return to childhood. It has several advantages that make it a therapeutic tool, sometimes even recommended by doctors and other professionals, such as relieving stress, improving concentration, and improving motor skills (you’ll be surprised how many adults are good at their motor skills and can improve them at any age) – and the list goes on.
Scary coloring pages can further maximize these benefits because if you’re already having fun coloring and enjoying the benefits of color, why not do it with one of our greatest loves? Another advantage is that a large part of the pages present, besides scary objects and icons that we all know, also have a level of difficulty that is certainly impressive. That’s why painting can be seen as a work of art for all intents and purposes, or even a possibility to create a decoration for a home or office with a reasonable effort and minimal costs.
Where Do You Find Horror Coloring Pages?
The offer of scary booklets and coloring pages, including rather scary coloring pages, is certainly impressive and only increases year by year. So that everyone can find the ideal pages for them.
Search Fhe Internet For Printable Horror Coloring Pages
So after understanding why you should consider using scary coloring pages, the question arises about the simplest way to get them. The first option, which will not surprise those living in 2023, is to turn to our best friend: Google, duh. A simple web search for images under terms such as “scary coloring pages”, “Disney Horror Coloring Pages,” and “Horror coloring pages” shows us that the possibilities are endless. A simple search will show you thousands of printable horror coloring pages, which you can print for your personal use with a button.
Buy A Horror Coloring Books
With all the advantages of self-printing, we must remember that it also has disadvantages. It is only sometimes convenient or possible to print many tens of pages. From an ecological point of view, it is possible to find more environmentally friendly ideas. If you want to take the coloring pages with you outside the house, for example, during a trip or a flight, buying a horror coloring book in advance is advisable. The price here is usually a few dollars, so it’s a manageable financial commitment.
Here are some nice options of horror coloring books:
Horror Quotes Coloring Book
The first booklet we will review contains 33 coloring pages, combining well-known quotes from horror movies and designs of serial killers and famous villains. Don’t expect second-life quotes from philosophical horror movies here, but rather sayings we can quote already in our sleep: the famous “want to play a game” that appears on the page dedicated to Billy the Doll from the Saw movies, or “No. You hang up first!” Appearing on the page devoted to the illustration of Ghostface from “Scream” with a telephone in his hand.
A major advantage is that the pages here are large (about 22 x 28 cm), making the work challenging and increasing the final product’s framing potential. Note, however, that the paintings themselves are relatively simple, and also that from the reviews we’ve read and the videos we’ve seen, it needs to be clarified How sharp they are so that you can hang them to decorate your walls.
Creepy Chibi Horror Coloring Book
“Cute” isn’t the first connotation that comes to mind when we think of great horror icons, but the following booklet may prove otherwise. The booklet from the Adorable Chibi Horror Coloring Series by an artist named Gary Lawson includes the familiar villains in a small version, drawings… and cute, to a certain extent. They may look like figures from some of the more typical horror collections, such as Funko Pops, Horror Bobble Heads or various action figures, but they have some unique characters.
In practice, Chibi is a Japanese drawing style designed to express “adult” characters exaggeratedly and childishly, partly with the help of huge heads, simplified facial features with large eyes, small to non-existent noses and mouths, short limbs (which makes the characters “chubby” “) and sometimes an exaggerated expression.
We have found eight notebooks of horror coloring pages in this very cool style; in each, you will find about 30 scary coloring pages. The notebook presents the famous icons, such as Freddy Krueger (“A Nightmare on Elm Street”), Pennywise (“It”), Michael Myers (“Halloween”), Jason Voorhees (“Friday the 13th”), Pennywise (“Texas Chainsaw Massacre”), “Annabelle” (the “Annabelle” films and the cinematic universe of “The Conjuring”), Sam (“Trick R Treat”), Pinhead (“Hellraiser”) and many, many others.
The Beauty Of Horror Coloring Book
Another popular series we found is The Beauty Of Horror Coloring book by Alan Robert, which currently has six coloring books. These booklets contain drawings that we found to be complex, even artistic in the full sense of the word, so this is an excellent choice for those who want a challenge with the potential to hang for decoration afterward. In Beauty of Horror Coloring book will find zombies, ghosts, monsters, serial killers, severed heads, and torture devices in the dozens of pages of the brochures – and the list goes on. This item doesn’t contain any familiar horror movie icons, but it sure looks like the stuff nightmares are made of by the mind of Alan Robert.
Here’s a taste of The Beauty Of Horror coloring book:
Dark Beauty Coloring Book for adults
The next booklet, from Crook Crook, is excellent for those who like their horror in the form of gothic and scary women. You will find here awe-inspiring illustrations of the “Dark Women,” which prove that horror can be magnificent. Here you will find 40 high-quality pictures, along with quotes that, according to the authors, further increase the experience of fear: for example, “Normal people have no idea how beautiful the darkness is”, or “Just as there is beauty in light, there is beauty in darkness”. A major advantage of Dark Beauty coloring book is that the pages here are single-sided, preventing color “bleeding” onto other pages.
Here is a short video that will give you a taste of Dark Beauty coloring book:
For The Digital Ones Among You: There Are Also Apps
It’s no secret that today many people, among them even first-class artists, prefer to draw with just a finger. If you also belong to the digital age, you will be happy to hear that there is no shortage of coloring apps, including ones that focus in advance on objects from the wider world of horror coloring pages.
In a rather short examination we did with an Android device, we found, among other things, these scary coloring pages apps:
Dark, Horror Color By Number – a very nice app by Fancy Games Studio, with a division into themes like “Gothic,” “Demons,” “Blood,” and “Horror.” Note that the principle here differs slightly from what we have seen and is based on coloring other numbered areas according to the desired color. You only have a little room to maneuver here, but the results are beautiful. You can even share or save them as wallpaper.
Death Park Coloring Games – another application from Fancy Games Studio with dozens of scary coloring pages, also based on the principle of coloring by numbers.
Halloween Coloring Book Game – coloring by numbers of the very cool Halloween pictures, most starring a cruel-looking pumpkin.
Siren Monster Horror Coloring: According to Greek mythology, the Siren monster combines the body of a bird and the head of a human. Here we found dozens of more or less advanced drawings with some options in the paid version.
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