Scary Nature

Cobalt Blue Tarantula: A Spectacular, Frenetic, And Not-So-Dangerous Spider

Blue is one of the most common colors in the world. The sky above us, the water that makes up most of the Earth’s surface, and about a tenth of the flowers scattered around the globe are in various shades of blue. In the animal world, however, blue is much rarer – And we are not referring just to the facts that human hair cannot be blue by nature, and blue skin relates only to some weird creatures in The Smurfs, Avatar, or THAT annoying song pop from the late 90s.

Blue is not standard in animals and humans because the amounts of blue pigment in nature are limited. Furthermore, most animals that appear blue to us do not include blue pigment, and their diet is not of this shade either (did you know that flamenco birds are pink because they eat algae of this shade?). In some cases, animals only appear blue to us for optical reasons that are too short to mention here and are more related to how light rays are refracted.

We cannot ignore one fact: the few existing blue animals may be spectacular in their beauty. This is precisely the case with the Cobalt Blue Tarantula (also known by its scientific name, “Haplopelma Lividum” or “Cyriopagopus lividus“), which deserves to be considered a scary animal. So, is this spectacular Tarantula dangerous for us, what is essential to know about it, and why is it less recommended for breeders?

What Is Cobalt Blue Tarantula?

A blue tarantula is, without a doubt, a creature that is both spectacularly beautiful and terrifying simultaneously. Its most striking characteristic is, of course, the blue color of its legs, which ranges from shades of cobalt blue (hence its name) to turquoise, depending on the lighting conditions, the age of the spider, and other characteristics.

This intense blue color is rare in spiders, making it one of the most sought-after tarantulas among exotic animal enthusiasts and breeders. In fact, for reasons we will see later, it is not sure that anyone should consider breeding one on their own.

scary image of blue tarantula (AI)

What Is The Size Of Cobalt Blue Tarantula?

The blue Tarantula is large compared to most spiders, with eight long, hairy legs that give it fast movement and impressive climbing ability. While the legs stand out with their blue color, the body and belly of blue tarantulas tend to be light gray, sometimes combined with dark stripes, but may also be blue.

The body length of the Cobalt Blue Tarantula, excluding the legs, is usually around 7-6 cm. The Tarantula’s leg circumference is about 13 cm, making it one of the largest Tarantula species on Earth. By the way, the males of this Tarantula species tend to be smaller than the females.

Other important physical characteristics of the Cobalt Blue Spider are:

Blue tarantula emoji Eyes: The Cobalt Blue eyes, like most spiders, are terrifying. It has eight small eyes arranged in two rows, each with four eyes

Blue tarantula emoji Teeth and Venom: The Blue Tarantula uses a pair of strong jaws to capture prey and inject venom.

Blue tarantula emoji Hairs: The Tarantula’s body is covered in short, dense hairs, which give it its characteristic velvety appearance. In addition, it has special hairs on its abdomen, which are used, among other things, for self-protection.

Blue spider as a serial killer holding knife (AI)

Where Do Cobalt Blue Tarantulas Live?

The Cobalt Blue Tarantula is a terrestrial reptile that lives mainly in the tropical rainforests of Southeast Asia. You can find them in:

Blue tarantula emoji Thailand

Blue tarantula emoji Cambodia

Blue tarantula emoji Laos

Blue tarantula emoji Vietnam

Blue tarantula emoji and others

These tarantulas prefer areas with relatively high humidity and soft soil, which will help them dig burrows. However, in 2017, blue tarantulas were surprisingly also found in the Americas.

The Blue Tarantula may spend time on the ground, in bushes or trees, and sometimes in burrows. The Tarantula will prefer to stay in burrows most of the time, except when foraging, and will cover the burrows with thick webs. However, in the areas where the Cobalt Blue Tarantula is distributed, it may also live near humans. For example, you can come across it in public gardens.

Addams Family

Cobart Blue Tarantule Lifespan

Females of the blue Tarantula can reach the age of about 15 years, so the lifespan is high by any standard. The lifespan of males is shorter and is usually about 10 years.

The spiders will reach sexual maturity at 3-5, so the growth rate is relatively slow.

Insects And Delicacies Food: The Cobalt Blue Tarantula Diet

The Cobalt Blue Tarantula is an opportunistic predator with a varied diet, which includes (fortunately) mainly:

Blue tarantula emoji Various insects (such as crickets, grasshoppers, and beetles)

Blue tarantula emoji Arthropods (such as ants)

Blue tarantula emoji Small spiders

Blue tarantula emoji In some cases also larger animals, such as lizards or frogs.

The hunting method of the blue Tarantula is mainly based on ambush. It waits patiently at the entrance to its burrow or on a branch, and when prey approaches, it quickly pounces on it. The Tarantula uses its powerful chelicerae (jaws) to capture the prey and inject it with venom, which paralyzes it and begins the digestive process. The Tarantula’s defense mechanism may include raising its front legs for threatening purposes and exposing its fangs to warn the potential victim.

Here is a video from the Tarantula Collective channel, which explains this unique animal:

Can A Cobalt Blue Tarantula Kill You?

The fear of spiders, particularly tarantulas, is a standard part of many people, children and adults alike. It is deeply rooted in human culture, and not just because spiders are intimidating in appearance and can be dangerous to humans. Horror films, folk tales, and myths have created a frightening and perilous image of these spiders, causing a common fear known by its scientistic name, “Arachnophobia.”

The big question is whether we can place the Blue Tarantula on the same list as other dangerous animals and natural creatures, such as The Black Mamba snake or the fungus that turns ants into suicidal zombies we wrote about previously. The good news is the answer is simple: Not sure!

In the case of the Cobalt Blue Tarantula, you may be happy to hear that the reality is a little different from its image or wild appearance. Although it does produce venom, it is not generally considered lethal to humans. In other words, the venom of the Blue Tarantula is not potent enough to kill a human.

Still, it is not the best idea to have come across such a spider. A spider bite can cause anything but pleasant symptoms, such as pain, swelling, and redness, but these will usually pass within a short period. The allergic reaction may be more severe in people with hypersensitivity or in complex cases.

Killer Cobalt blue tarantula on skull (AI)

Experience Needed? The Challenge Of Cobalt Blue Tarantula Care

A Blue Tarantula is not the first spider recommended for inexperienced breeders. First of all, the temperament of the Cobalt Blue Tarantula can be challenging to deal with since it’s not predictable. It is considered a nervous and quick-tempered species and may react aggressively if threatened. Usually, it will prefer to flee rather than attack in these situations.

Bite of Cobalt Blue Tarantula is relatively rare and usually only occurs when the spider feels trapped or is mishandled, such as attempts to pick it up against its will. The Tarantula is a nocturnal animal, which will be active mainly in the late hours and will prefer to hide the rest of the time, which means that breeders will not necessarily be able to enjoy its breathtaking beauty around the clock.

Some would say that the main danger of a blue tarantula is not its venom but the urticarial hairs on its abdomen. When the spider feels threatened, it can rub its belly with its hind legs and throw up a “cloud” of these fine hairs. The hairs can irritate the skin, eyes, and respiratory tract. In sensitive people, this may cause a more severe allergic reaction.

If you raise the Tarantula independently, its nutrition usually includes caterpillars, worms, small insects, crickets, and more. It is vital to ensure a balanced and varied diet while avoiding overfeeding: the blue Tarantula will usually only be able to eat once or twice a week, except at relatively early ages when the need for food is higher. One reason is that if you adhere to a controlled diet, you enjoy well-groomed spiders and observe their beauty more since the spider may stay outside its burrow, ambushing potential prey.

It is important to note that the Cobalt Blue population in the wild is in danger due to the high demand for these tarantulas as pets and the destruction of their natural habitats. There are efforts to preserve the species and protect its habitats. For this reason and to avoid being attacked, it is essential to prevent catching or touching Blue Tarantulas found in the wild and to handle them when they are in captivity only according to the guidelines we have detailed previously. The spiders require specific conditions (mainly controlled temperature and high humidity), gentle and careful handling, an appropriate and varied diet, and more.

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How Much Does A Cobalt Blue Tarantula Cost?

Due to their unique appearance, spectacular color, and the fact that they are rare, blue tarantula spiders tend to be more expensive than most other spiders and even tarantulas.

The price depends on a long list of parameters, including:

Blue tarantula emoji Age: Baby spiders will usually be cheaper, with the price increasing with age

Blue tarantula emoji Sex: Blue spiders tend to be more expensive than males, for several reasons: as mentioned, their lifespan tends to be longer, they can be used for breeding, and their color may be richer

Blue tarantula emoji The location of the spider

Blue tarantula emoji The specific physical appearance, with an emphasis on the color

Blue tarantula emoji Origin – A spider in the wild versus in captivity

The prices vary between the different sellers and stores that deal in the field and, therefore, have an extensive range. They can start from a few dozen dollars to hundreds or even thousands of dollars.


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